red moon shadows

red moon shadows

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bound By Time

You are watching me closely.” She smiled at him. They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence. As they were finishing there was a knock on the door.“Enter,” she said, standing to put the dishes in the basin. She would wash them later if the mood struck here.
“Morning.” The deep voice could only belong to one man. Kellen was twenty and a strong warrior for the people. He stood six feet with red hair and green eyes. They had played together since they were children. Kellen was as familiar to her as her own brother. “What brings you around?” She asked while still cleaning. 
“No patrols this morning. Plus I wanted to see my girl,” he said, stepping behind her and swatting her butt. She jumped and gave him a cross look. He only smiled and winked. Then he sat down and grabbed her bowl. He finished the food she had not. He looked funny to her. He was dressed in black and armed to the teeth. She was dressed in light colors and carried only a dagger at her waist. The irony was not lost on her.“So what do you have planned today? No wait, let me guess,” Kellan said. “You know what I have planned today.” “Yeah I know. I got myself assigned to your detail.” He jumped down on the last fruit and still looked hungry. She conjured him another bowl of fruit. He smiled at her and dug in. “Slow down, you’ll choke.” She laughed and sent Sammy up to his room to change. “When you are ready,” Kellan said. “What?” 
“Shall we?” Kellan stood and offered his arm to Abbey. She stood and took it as Sammy climbed down. They walked together to the door. Before either of them could reach it opened. Standing at her door was a compliment of twenty five guards. They were all for her. Kellan led her out and down to the path. They walked arms locked down the path toward the citadel. It was an imposing stone building. It was three stories and covered in vines. It had stood for centuries.“When you are ready we will escort you to the citadel for the ritual.” “Oh.” She sat down and let it sink in. “What about Sammy?” 
“He can come to.” Sammy squealed loudly from his room. It startled Abbey. Kellan just laughed along with him.

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